“As we raise our consciousness through meditation, breathwork and a holistic approach to health, we not only connect back to our inner selves, our soul, but we connect to nature and humanity at a profound level. We realise that we are one not just with each other but with the earth also, the trees, the rivers, the animals and once we become aware of that we understand that the health of our natural environment is intrinsic to the health of ourselves. If nature and humanity are suffering then so will we.”
I started this work from a need. It wasn’t curiosity or the fact that meditation and consciousness were becoming trendy but desperation which led me to seek out ways that I could heal myself from mental and emotional pain which had started manifesting into illness and chronic physical pain.
I had for so long functioned on auto pilot after experiencing trauma in my early twenties that I had somewhere along the way switched off from life and was just going through the motions.
As a parent I felt I couldn’t take the time to grieve and heal the wounds, I had to simply soldier on for the sake of my children and so I did. I kept living without really feeling. I was numb without even realizing it because I kept myself busy in order to avoid remembering.
I was living in chronic pain, on pain killers, was exhausted mentally and physically, was spiralling into depression but surgery and a life on pain killers just wasn’t an option for me and there started years of research on healing modalities. I read biographies of people who had healed themselves, I watched documentaries, listened to podcasts, signed up for course after course after course trying all of the modalities as I discovered them.
I learnt how to meditate, practiced gentle yoga, signed up for sound healing, breathwork and reiki sessions. I changed what I ate and I learnt about grounding and the healing properties of nature and contrary to the beliefs of my many specialists, I healed. First came a huge emotional purging of all of the emotional trauma and pain that I had stored in my body and didn’t even realize was still there and once that was out, slowly but surely the physical symptoms started to disappear. I was able to wean myself off the pain medication, the feeling in my fingers came back and the pins and needles down my left arm subsided until eventually I had no pain.
I was able to heal on a profound level. With healing came a lightness of being and an inner peace I had never known before.
I was suddenly present in this beautiful gift called life and for the first time in such a very long time my heart was open and I could see the beauty of my surroundings. I felt a connection not only to my fellow human beings but to mother earth. I became more compassionate, understanding and loving and less reactive to people and situations. There was now a quiet knowing that all things, even the hard parts had happened for my benefit and that I was well and truly always being looked after. I learnt to accept all that was in store for me and with that came a peace and a serenity I had yearned for for so many years. I became less fearful and learnt to surrender to life and most importantly, I learnt to trust.
My relationship with my husband and children improved as I was less distracted and more present. I was a softer, gentler, more loving version of myself. My interactions with people no longer came from a place of fear, hurt and anger but from a place of love, empathy, compassion and understanding.
It is my hope that within my lifetime I shall experience a world where humanity leads from this same place. A world where all living things are thriving. A world where the global mantra is simply: LOVE.
Meditation Teacher registered with the Australian Meditation Teachers Assoc.
Deepak Chopra Certified Primordial sound meditation teacher and Chopra health (Ayurvedic principles) instructor
Certified Buteyko breath instructor
Certified Reiki & Pellowah practitioner, Master Level
Certified Food Matters Nutrition Coach