Your Personal Mantra
Receive your own personal Primordial Sound Mantra, A Vedic mantra calculated on the date, time and place of your birth.
Certified by Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Centre
“Meditation is a journey from activity into silence that reconnects us with ourselves, reintroduces us to who we are, this person we’ve forgotten, this person who’s already perfect, who’s always been perfect.”
Roger Gabriel, Chief meditation officer at Chopra.
The most direct way to experience inner silence and well-being is meditation, a tool to rediscover the body's own inner intelligence. As scientific research reveals, when you meditate, your breathing slows, blood pressure decreases, and stress hormone levels fall.
Primordial Sound Meditation, or PSM, is a powerful meditation technique rooted in the Vedic tradition of India. It is a healing practice that allows us to experience inner calm and deep relaxation. For thousands of years, people have used meditation to move beyond the mind's busy activity and emotional turbulence into profound peace and expanded awareness.
It isn’t about forcing your mind to be quiet, it’s about experiencing the silence that's already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. It is here we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the Universe. Practising meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to create a life of greater compassion and fulfilment. Even when your mind is filled with agitated thoughts, you still have access to the inner stillness and calm that always lies beneath the choppy surface of thought and emotion.
When you learn Primordial Sound Meditation, you will receive a personal mantra. A mantra is a specific sound or vibration—which when repeated silently—helps you to enter deeper levels of awareness. A Sanskrit term that translates as "vehicle of the mind," a mantra truly is a vehicle that takes you into quieter, more peaceful levels of the mind.
The mantra you will receive is the vibration the universe was creating at the time and place of your birth, and it is calculated following Vedic mathematic formulas. When you silently repeat your mantra in meditation, it creates a vibration that helps you slip into the space between your thoughts, into the complete silence that is sometimes referred to as "the gap." Your mind is no longer caught up in its noisy internal chatter and is instead exposed to its own deepest nature: pure awareness.
If you’re ready to create a life of greater compassion & fulfillment
There are 2 options available:
Option 1
For those new to Vedic meditation
4 sessions Via zoom or a full 2 day weekend group workshop (go to Workshops & Courses for more information on the in person group teachings)
Your investment will be $444
The basics of meditation, the origins of Primordial Sound Meditation, how it works, its purpose and its benefits. We will explore the mechanics of the practice and the use of mantras. We will discuss your preparation for receiving your mantra.
Starts with the traditional teaching ritual of honouring teachers passed and present who have preserved this meditation technique. I will then say a chant in sanskrit after which you will receive your Primordial Sound Mantra.
Will usually take place at least a few days after receiving your mantra and practising at home. It is a time to check in and discuss anything that has come up for you as well as ask any questions you may have.
We will then discuss the practical aspects of meditation such as how to sit, what to do when interrupted such as if the phone rings, what experiences may show up, how to begin and end the meditation, when is the best time to meditate and more. It is important to understand the basic principles so that you will be able to meditate happily for many years to come.
This is our final session and here we will explore expanded states of awareness. Many people have had glimpses of higher states of consciousness without realising what they were.
This lesson provides the knowledge to integrate past experiences and new experiences that will unfold with regular meditation. It offers a vision of possibilities.
Option 2
For those who are already familiar with and have been practising Vedic Meditation for some time and now wish to receive their Primordial Sound Mantra
2 sessions in person or via Zoom
Your investment will be $222
A discussion on Primordial Sound Meditation, what is it? Where does it originate? How is the Mantra chosen and preparation for receiving your mantra.
Starts with the traditional teaching ritual of honouring teachers passed and present who have preserved this meditation technique. I will then say a chant in sanskrit after which you will receive your Primordial Sound Mantra.