1:1 Sessions
Intuitive and personalised. Flexibility to choose number of sessions based on an individuals needs.
Available in-person or online.
Using a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, we’ll look at your current lifestyle, past traumas, stress levels, sleep patterns, your diet and how you’re breathing using both vedic techniques and the Buteyko method and together in a safe and nurturing environment we’ll work on achieving optimum wellbeing, mind, body and soul so that you can reconnect back to your inner self, be more at peace, more focused, centred, present and less reactive to every day stress factors.
Modalities will be tailored around individual needs and can include meditation, breath work, sleep patterns, diet and lifestyle, hands on energy and sound healing including reiki, pellowah and crystal sound bowls & tuning forks as well as guided meditations.
Regardless of what you choose, you will leave feeling empowered with practical tools that you can take away and implement in your day to day life.
$111 per session

“In a world that is shaped by the beliefs of the pharmaceutical industry which sells drugs to affect a physical body with physical signals, the last thing they want you to know is that energy healing is much more effective than chemistry healing”
Bruce Lipton, PhD